Online reviews have become incredibly important for real estate agents. With 90% of consumers reading reviews online before hiring an agent, it is imperative for agents to have positive feedback on the top review sites.

This not only builds trust with potential clients, but also boosts search engine rankings. However, many agents struggle to get enough reviews organically. The best approach is to implement strategic review generation policies to buy google reviews that are authentic and help build long-term reputation.

Here we are going to explore the detailed yet legitimate ways for real estate agents to garner valuable online reviews. Read on.

How Real Estate Agents Get Online Reviews

Here are some of the most effective tactics for real estate agents to get verified reviews from satisfied clients in an authentic manner:

1. Recognize the Importance of Online Reviews

Real estate agents must understand that online reviews play a pivotal role in building trust and credibility with potential clients. As per a recent study, 90% of consumers read online feedback from previous customers before choosing a service provider.

An even higher percentage of 84% say they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from family and friends.

This allows agents to rank higher in local search results when people look up “real estate agent near me”. While word-of-mouth referrals still hold value, the modern homebuyer’s primary method of finding agents has transitioned to online platforms.

By actively participating in this digital shift and obtaining verifiable reviews, smart agents can access a wider pool of clients who may not personally know the agent’s previous happy customers.

2. Timing Your Requests

The most important thing is to wait for the right psychological moment before asking clients to leave a review. Requesting too early may come across as pushy or make the client feel like the agent just wants to boost metrics.

The optimal time is after fully completing a real estate transaction or project with the client. At this stage, the client’s satisfaction can be accurately gauged based on their experience of working with the agent from start to finish.

Then, agents should have an informal chat with the client and ask simple questions about their experience to get honest feedback. For e.g. “I hope everything went smoothly during the home sale. Did you have any issues working with me?”.

Based on the response, if the client seems pleased with the service, agents can say “I’m glad to hear that. It really helps me to know what I can improve on. Would you mind leaving a review about your experience? It’s really helpful for my business”.

Emphasizing how reviews benefit the agent makes clients more inclined to take the time to write one.

3. Target the Right Review Platforms

Real estate agents must focus on the most important review sites for their industry and target audience. Some generic mainstream platforms like Google, Facebook, and Yelp get a lot of traffic, but niche real estate sites hold particular relevance. 

When asking clients for online reviews, mention both kinds of sites so the feedback reaches a broader potential customer base. For instance, encourage reviews on popular industry portals that local prospective buyers visit frequently for realtor research and listings.

At the same time, remember Google is the search engine where many consumers find local business recommendations. Thus, you should ensure your profiles on these review sites are optimized with complete, accurate information so clients can easily find and submit reviews.

4. Follow Up on Review Requests

It is not uncommon for clients to forget or procrastinate leaving an online review, no matter how satisfied they were with the service. This is where gentle reminders come in handy to convert more of those positive experiences into valuable reviews.

After a reasonable amount of time has passed since the initial review ask (e.g. 2-4 weeks), it is fine for realtors to send follow-up messages through email or phone to check on the status of the review.

For busy clients, a simple “I hope this finds you well. Just checking if you had a chance to leave a review?” is a non-pushy way to remind. For those yet to respond, additional follow-ups at monthly intervals can work, gradually tapering off the frequency after a few attempts. 

5. Create a Structured Review Process

To effectively scale review generation efforts, realtors need methods to streamline the process as repeatable systems rather than handling it organically each time.

There are many tools that can provide an automated solution for this key piece of the online reputation puzzle. It allows agents to upload client databases once and set up customizable email/text sequences that contact old clients requesting reviews periodically, and follow up with gentle reminders if needed.

These sequences can be tailored according to the nature of clientele and business needs – whether immediate review requests followed by monthly reminders, a quarterly check-in model or any other timing that fits best.

Satisfied clients can be directly guided to review websites to submit authentic feedback within a few clicks, while those expressing dissatisfaction are redirected to the agent’s team for resolution.

6. Focus on Authenticity Over Perfection

While positive reviews should certainly be encouraged, agents must realize this is an opportunity for clients to candidly share their experiences – good and not-so-good alike.

Approaching reviews with realistic expectations fosters more credible representation online versus an artificial picture of absolute perfection. A mix of 4 and 5-star reviews spread over multiple client transactions appears natural and lends authenticity.

Final Thoughts

So, online reviews are indispensable for real estate agents seeking to nurture credibility and visibility. By implementing tactical yet authentic review generation practices, smart agents can gain a steady stream of valuable feedback that boosts their online reputation sustainably.

BuyReviewz provide a hassle-free solution to get more reviews at scale. Overall, emphasizing healthy relationships with past clients through great service lays the foundation for all the referrals and recommendations – online or otherwise – agents need to thrive. Good luck!

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