French, the language of love, is a popular language all across the world. With more than 310 million speakers, it is one of the languages that have more speakers who speak it as a second language, as compared to the native language. It also indicates the significance of French as a popular choice among ardent language learners. Considering the popularity of this language, opting for the French translation can empower your business growth all across the world.

Here are a few of the facts that make it evident why you should invest in the French translation,  and how it can help you with business growth.

French: Language of love and diplomacy

French is known as the language of love because of its richness and the melodic tune that it contains. Moreover, it comes from the romance language of the Indo-European family of languages. This language also served as the language of diplomacy until World War II. English has replaced it as the diplomacy language since then. However, analysts, experts, and officials still consider it as a language of international relations and diplomacy due to the rich history that it carries.

Official language of 27 countries

Who would not like to invest in a language translation that holds the status of official language in 27 countries? It tells a lot about this language’s popularity and its speakers. French also happens to be among the language list of the most geographically widespread languages globally. It is also important to mention here that other than being the official language of 27 countries, French is also a defacto and is used in one or another capacity; such as at administrative level and also as a cultural language in more than 50 countries.

5th most spoken language globally 

5th most spoken language in the world, French is protected by the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie. They promote French-speaking and keep working to spread the language and make it more popular and common among the people. French, coming from an important European country, is also a second official language in Canada. The francophone community is quite strong in Canada. However, the variants and dialects may differ from the language that they speak in France. Imagine investing in professional French translation services and catering to more than 29 countries all at once. It is important to note that around 40% of French speakers come from Europe. However, it is also a common language in other countries. Interestingly, language also has a history in Africa. Known as African French, locally up to 167 million in Africa can speak and understand this language.

Part of United Nations & EU working languages

Translating your business into a language that is part of the official languages of the United Nations naturally increases its popularity and chances of being understood across the regions. Not only this, but French is also an important part of the European Union’s working languages and serves as one of three procedural languages of the EU along with German and English. The language also serves as the working language for many other international organizations such as UNESCO, NATO, and WHO among others.

Tid Bit: The source and origin of more than 50% of the English words is French. The Norman conquest in 1066 AD in England led to this infusion of both languages. 

French words reshaping our culinary practices

The French language comes with a strong heritage and culinary traditions. French cuisine is popular globally. A few of the French dishes that are popular all over the world include Boeuf Bourguignon, Bouillabaisse, Tarte Tatin, French onion soup, Escargot, Crêpes, Crème brûlée, etc.  

Remember Bon appétit, which people all across the world use in restaurants despite any link and connection with the French language. It is used to wish when one is about to have his food and stands for ‘enjoy your food’.

Who has not done experiments with French toast and French fries to start with the least? However, according to experts, French toast came from ancient Rome and not France. Nonetheless, if you are a foodie and food enthusiast and are into exploring new cuisines for your blog, restaurant, or even YouTube channel, French should be your next target language to seek translation and explore new business opportunities.


French is a popular language which is the official language of up to 27 countries. It is also part of the United Nations and European Union languages. Investing in French translation with the help of a translation services company can never fail if done rightly. The fact that it is a language of love, international relations, and diplomacy itself brings a number of opportunities for established as well as new businesses. Moreover, it is a part of the United Nations, the European Union, UNESCO, and other important international organizations. Targeting the Francophone community with French translation after proper research and survey can surely make the way to a world of business opportunities.